Language in Ten Minutes (L-10)

Each student will prepare 4-7 slides about a language they do not speak natively. The slides must cover

(1)   Language Facts (demographics, location, etc.)

(2)   Important linguistic characteristics (orthography, morphology, syntax) including: What makes it different than English?

(3)   Computational efforts such as resources, tools, papers -- e.g., how many entries in MT Archive? What are they generally on?

(4)   What are the challenges for machine translation?

Be creative and have fun with this. Asking for help from native speakers or language experts is ok. But the student is ultimately responsible for the presentation.

Your presentation with the slides should take 7-10 minutes (and no longer!)

Examples from previous presentations (in MT class by Nizar Habash, 2010) are also available here.  Try to pick a language that has not been presented before.

Resources that can help your preparation of slides:


Sign up early for the date you wish to present the language you chose. Do that by adding your name and presented language name in the shared class schedule + presentations table.

Email me your slides no later than the Sunday before your presentation, 11 PM PST. Indicate in your email whether I can post your slides publicly (viewable also outside UW). Your choice (go public or not) will not affect your grade.

Students who cannot present in class (online participant or any other reason) should email me their slides with a recorded narration (PowerPoint and other programs allow you to record voice over the slides).