Paper presentation, discussion leading, and summaries (everyone)

  All students are expected to submit a short write up (no more than one page per paper) addressing all of the following: 

  1. Summary of the paper: what is the problem definition? What is the approach? What are the results/conclusions? Try to be focused and concise, say, 4-6 sentences.
  2. Critical Reading: pick three aspects of the paper that you either really like or really hate. Explain why. Tip: Write as if you were a reviewer of the paper.
  3. Questions for discussion: write up two or more questions that you think would be interesting to discuss in the class. The questions should not test knowledge of the paper, but rather be about issues you truly didn't understand, or issues that don’t have a clear-cut answer (pros/cons, various aspects, etc.) Exception: The discussion leader should come up with four or more questions.